Filming; please explain how you did particular
shots. E.g. did you use and special effects? If so, why? Did you use any camera
tricks again, explain how and why. Always refer back to the effect you were
trying to have on your target audience.
In my horror movie trailer I was my self, playing
the victim with my college (Hennok) of a destructive school janitor on a
rampage who has been known to kill students in other schools but of course when
hired, the school didn’t know his past history because he is very good at
disguising his past history, killing any student in his way and I unfortunately
happened to be one of them.It begins after school when Nasrine is leaving
school to find Hennok so they can go and finish a piece of music coursework
which consists of them doing a practical. Its also after school when most
teachers have left but some may still remain.. unless the janitors got to them
first. After a couple of hours of hard work the students decide to call it a
day and begin to roam the abandonded school grounds.little do they know that
they are being followed by this 'janitor'. Inbetween their adventorous strole
around school they unfortunatley get seperated as nature called and Nasrine had
to go toilet. She left Hennok all alone in the main playground where he meet
his painful death. Nasrine on the other hand clueless as to what fait lies for
her is washing her hands when all of a sudden she is greated with the presence
of this unidentifed man she has never seen, she is then meet by her fast death.
Nasrines death scene is located in the toilet because its the one place you
wouldnt expect to die. In other words thats a place in which you'de expect some
privacy. We were inspired by alfred hitchcocks 'Phsyco' scene where the woman
is killed in the bathroom where as Nasrine is killed in the toilet. We choose a toilet becuase its a more private place where you wouldnt expect to be killed and also to create sympathy towards Nasrine as the toilet is an unfortuante place to die in. Their was
also a struggle while the janitor was trying to kill Nasrine. This shows a hint
of hope of survival to make the audience jump out of their seat a little but is
soon followed by her death. I had to make sure I was in role all the time and I
had to make sure I was on time etc. During school, in the background lessons, I
managed to come up with a script/ storyline to our production.
In a typical horror genre movie the conventions
consists of props such as knives in order to kill the victim and symbolize
death, a face mask to hid the identity of the perpetrator and create suspense
amongst the audience, Blood to basically show some sort of strugle and injury.
It is also included in goory horror movies to make the audience distressed and
to share the emotions and feelings shown within the piece it self. Typical settings would be places such as
The name after hours derives from the fact that
this movie is set during after school when no one is around and this huge
amount of space is empty. We decided to break the conventions of using small
confined spaces just becuase we thought that it was to cleshay and most horror
movies tend to use small confined places. Another reason why we didnt use
confined spaces is becuase we are lucky to attend a big school so we thought
why not twist things a bit. We used the size of the school as an advantage to
show that even if your in a place thats meant to be a safe place,where you can
trust your surroundings, nothing is ever as it seems. This also relates to our target audience who are tees ranging from 15+ due to the fact that most teens ranging from this age go to Also we used the distance
to represent how big the school maybe but how short this teenagers lifes are,
know matter where they run or hide the janitor will still capture them. if
things are to good to be true then they probably are.
We came up with the idea to do a thriller horror comedy becuase we had a tight budget so we had to think outside the box, how we could make a horror movie with out having to spend much. So we started exploring old school movies such as scary movie chronicles, cabin fever, let the right one in and we started to develope a sense of what we wanted. Also we had to work with our location which was our school site. We then started to devise what exactly school meant to us and wheather we felt safe or not in school. School is the second safest place a student could go/ be in but when you put a reckless killer things start to change. We also decided to bass it in school becuase our target audience are normal school kids who attend school as part of their daily lives, put a mass seriel killer in it, we intended that our tareget audience would feel a little fear. We decided who the perpatrator would be by writing down the list of all the possible roles and seeing if it was sinister enough. We had teachers but we thought that it had just been used to many times for example in prom, class of 1984. We then thought of students but we didnt think our target audience would seem intrested. We then had to look deep into a person no one would ever suspect to murder a student, the school janitor. You rarley see them, theyre always in the back ground. This caught our attention becuase as we thought of it ourselves. The school janitor is always around, lurking in the school corridors but know one ever seems to notice them because we all have our own bits and bobs to worry about. We then put our selfs in the janitors shoes and tried to see how we felt if no one ever noticest us. So we came up with our perpetrator, now all we had to do was create a story line.
We came up with the idea to do a thriller horror comedy becuase we had a tight budget so we had to think outside the box, how we could make a horror movie with out having to spend much. So we started exploring old school movies such as scary movie chronicles, cabin fever, let the right one in and we started to develope a sense of what we wanted. Also we had to work with our location which was our school site. We then started to devise what exactly school meant to us and wheather we felt safe or not in school. School is the second safest place a student could go/ be in but when you put a reckless killer things start to change. We also decided to bass it in school becuase our target audience are normal school kids who attend school as part of their daily lives, put a mass seriel killer in it, we intended that our tareget audience would feel a little fear. We decided who the perpatrator would be by writing down the list of all the possible roles and seeing if it was sinister enough. We had teachers but we thought that it had just been used to many times for example in prom, class of 1984. We then thought of students but we didnt think our target audience would seem intrested. We then had to look deep into a person no one would ever suspect to murder a student, the school janitor. You rarley see them, theyre always in the back ground. This caught our attention becuase as we thought of it ourselves. The school janitor is always around, lurking in the school corridors but know one ever seems to notice them because we all have our own bits and bobs to worry about. We then put our selfs in the janitors shoes and tried to see how we felt if no one ever noticest us. So we came up with our perpetrator, now all we had to do was create a story line.
In my movie trailer I used a number of camera angle
shots ranging from birds eye view to extreme close up for example in one of my
group shot we used an extreme close up of the janitors face while the 2
students (Hennok and Nasrine) to show the sinister look in his face and deep
into his eyes and then tracking back to the innocent and neive students having
fun, being free spirit and finishing off their music coursework. Also it leaves
the audience with goosebumps and it creates tension to leave the audience
wanting more. This represents the social group (teens/ young people) as vulnerable and neive and the janitor (50 years) quite vulnerable but infact evil inside due to his status of doing a job not everyone would want to do.
Another camera angle technique we used was low
angle shot during the scene in which the 2 students were coming down the stairs
after their 'completed' music coursework representing the two students with
authority and security as they walk down the stairs talking about victims of
'the janitor', pittying the lost lives, but little do they know their lives are
about to be cut short.
Also an alternative camera angle I used was during the begining scene where I used a point of view camera shot which shows as scene as it would be scene by the character themselves engaging the audience making them think they were actually their. We decided to use that camera angle becuase we thought that it would reach our target audience on a personal level creating a more sinister atmosphere seeing as our audience are still school kids in high school. We also used this shot to show the pont of view from the murderers eyes just to show the audience how he's feeling and what hes see's while hes murdering Hennok.
During editing, me and my group found it quite difficult at first becuase we were new to the editing soft ware but after we managed to edit. We decided to do quick fast cuts in the trailer because it seemed suitable for this genre becuase it rotates around tension. Becuase its a comedy horror movie we decided to use a slow motion edit during the scene where Hennok dies becuase his facial expression and sound effects were funny and the slow motion made it even more funnier becuause its quite immature so we just decided to lighten the mood so our audience doesnt get bored. Between the cuts we put sentences to make thae audience consider how they would feel if they were in these 2 students positions, mostly becuase our target audience are teen school kids so we thought that our audience could relate to it making it more realistic and scary.
We used sound effects such as the school bell to indicates its the end of the school day just before they exit school. We used the call of duty theme song because we thought it suits the scenario, espcially becuase ithe theme song is quite popular around the generation we are targeting. During the end of the trailer we used a giggle before the perpetratures face comes up just to create a cold atmosphere becuase normally you wouldn't laugh if you if you just killed someone so it creates a sinister mood.
During post production we werent quite sure on what type of horror we should have but eventually we decided on comedy horror/ thriller becuase everyone one else was a bit more serious and with all our personalities put together, we were quite a chilled, laid back group who see the lighter less serious side of life.
My favourite shot while filming is definatley the scene where I get killed. Our surroundings worked with us so well for example when the lights were on then the janitor switched them off but the lighting flinched and it felt like a breeze was coming to kill me . Its as if a non exitent entity came to kill me and this reminds me of the movie final destination 3 in the scene were a breeze comes before the students die.
In future, when filming, I will definatley be more prepared seeing as this is my first time. The storyline should be structered better so me and my crew make sure we know what we are doing and not just improvising our scenes. Also we need to be more organised within our timing because for example we'de prioritise one scene just a little bit to much and end up running into the time we'de have for our next scene.
In addition now that ive had experience with the editing process I can say confidently that I will be able to edit with a bit more practise.
Also an alternative camera angle I used was during the begining scene where I used a point of view camera shot which shows as scene as it would be scene by the character themselves engaging the audience making them think they were actually their. We decided to use that camera angle becuase we thought that it would reach our target audience on a personal level creating a more sinister atmosphere seeing as our audience are still school kids in high school. We also used this shot to show the pont of view from the murderers eyes just to show the audience how he's feeling and what hes see's while hes murdering Hennok.
During editing, me and my group found it quite difficult at first becuase we were new to the editing soft ware but after we managed to edit. We decided to do quick fast cuts in the trailer because it seemed suitable for this genre becuase it rotates around tension. Becuase its a comedy horror movie we decided to use a slow motion edit during the scene where Hennok dies becuase his facial expression and sound effects were funny and the slow motion made it even more funnier becuause its quite immature so we just decided to lighten the mood so our audience doesnt get bored. Between the cuts we put sentences to make thae audience consider how they would feel if they were in these 2 students positions, mostly becuase our target audience are teen school kids so we thought that our audience could relate to it making it more realistic and scary.
We used sound effects such as the school bell to indicates its the end of the school day just before they exit school. We used the call of duty theme song because we thought it suits the scenario, espcially becuase ithe theme song is quite popular around the generation we are targeting. During the end of the trailer we used a giggle before the perpetratures face comes up just to create a cold atmosphere becuase normally you wouldn't laugh if you if you just killed someone so it creates a sinister mood.
During post production we werent quite sure on what type of horror we should have but eventually we decided on comedy horror/ thriller becuase everyone one else was a bit more serious and with all our personalities put together, we were quite a chilled, laid back group who see the lighter less serious side of life.
My favourite shot while filming is definatley the scene where I get killed. Our surroundings worked with us so well for example when the lights were on then the janitor switched them off but the lighting flinched and it felt like a breeze was coming to kill me . Its as if a non exitent entity came to kill me and this reminds me of the movie final destination 3 in the scene were a breeze comes before the students die.
In future, when filming, I will definatley be more prepared seeing as this is my first time. The storyline should be structered better so me and my crew make sure we know what we are doing and not just improvising our scenes. Also we need to be more organised within our timing because for example we'de prioritise one scene just a little bit to much and end up running into the time we'de have for our next scene.
In addition now that ive had experience with the editing process I can say confidently that I will be able to edit with a bit more practise.